Tips for TAs
10 Helpful tips for TAs
Set communication standards with your team
Identify a preferred method of contact (MS Teams or email)
Provide students with your available times to respond to messages via MS Teams and/or email
Be assertive
Set deadlines
Assign students with tasks and responsibilities
Set semester expectations
Have multiple 1:1 meetings with each student throughout the semester
Get to know your students on an individual basis
Identify strengths and weaknesses of the team
Utilize your mentors and your TDM support system to assist with any challenges
The Data Science team checks tickets daily
Organize project work via a Kanban Board
Keep students accountable, follow deadlines
Organize a team activity outside class hours
The Data Mine might be able to provide meal swipes for the dining courts for lunch or dinner (check with your corporate partner liaison)
Set a time to meet with your mentors on a regular basis
weekly or bi-weekly if possible
Request to meet with you corporate partner liaison as needed
Remind students of upcoming sprint reports